Location: Anhui Province, China. Company: Sungrow Power Supply. Power: 40 MW.
NAC Kazatomprom JSC announces package sale of 75-100% stake in the charter capitals of Astana Solar LLP, Kazakhstan Solar Silicon LLP and MC KazSilicon LLP.
The tender documentation and Notice to the open two-stage tender are posted on the web portal of NAC Kazatomprom JSC (www.kazatomprom.kz). The starting price for 100% of shares in the charter capitals of the above partnerships is eighteen billion two hundred seventy seven million twenty nine thousand tenge.
The competitive tender is to be held in accordance with the Unified Rules for the Sale and Restructuring of the Assets of Sovereign Wealth Fund Samruk-Kazyna JSC and organizations, fifty or more percent of shares of which directly or indirectly belong to Samruk-Kazyna JSC on the basis of ownership, approved by the Board of Directors of Samruk-Kazyna JSC and tender documentation, approved by Kazatomprom’s Commission on Assets Sale.
Tender request for the open two-stage contest may be applied since March 12 till March 28, 2018 3 p.m., Astana time.
Investor who acquires the asset shall comply with the certain terms of the deal. The buyer shall keep the staff size, the core business and perform the existing contracts.
Astana Solar LLP is a modern plant for production of photovoltaic modules with a production capacity of 50 MW with the possibility of increasing to 100 MW.
Kazakhstan Solar Silicon LLP is a plant for production of multicrystalline silicon wafers (156х156 mm, r-type) and photovoltaic cells with efficiency coefficient of at least 16% and design capacity of 60 MW per year.
MC KazSilicon LLP is Sarykulskoye deposit with proven reserves of 1.74 million tons of gangue quartz, with a design capacity of 10,000 tons per year and production of metallurgical silicon with a design capacity of 3,200 tons per year.
РThe sale of subsidiaries and affiliates is carried out under the Business Transformation Program, with the aim of optimizing business of NAC Kazatomprom JSC by disposing non-core assets and focusing on nuclear industry.