Location: Anhui Province, China. Company: Sungrow Power Supply. Power: 40 MW.
“Kazakhstan Solar Solutions” LLP is the startup, rapidly growing company. The main scope of activities is photovoltaic cells production, based on Kazakh silicon. Photovoltaic cells are the main component of modules for conversion of solar energy into electricity.
In October 2010 during the visit of Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev in France it was decided to realize vertically integrated project in Kazakhstan, which could include full production cycle from raw material (quartz) extraction to finished solar modules, including solar stations made of this modules.
France industrial companies issued a proposal to organize technology, equipment and knowledge transfer to the Republic of Kazakhstan. They are formed to consortium and preform as partners of JSC “NAC KazAtomProm”, which was charged by Head of state to realize KAZPV project.
“Kazakhstan Solar Silicon” LLP is the master link of this project, which is responsible for photovoltaic cells production.
In 2013 delivering, assembling and startup of the major and additional equipment has been realized.
In 2014 IAT (Initial Acceptance Tests) of all elements of technological lines were finished and at that moment “Kazakhstan Solar Silicon” LLT is in the active phase of FAT (Final Acceptance Tests), in the duration of which productivity and efficiency of implemented technology will be demonstrated.